Sunday, December 25, 2011

As predicted

As predicted NYRR raised the price of the entry fee to the NYC Marathon.  What might you think the price they raised it to would be? Well some might say ten to twenty dollars might be fair, after all it is the NYC Marathon.
Well forget that, how about $60! Oh yeah I know what some of you are thinking because heard this all before. "NYRR does a great job and blah blah blah" Shut up, please just shut the F**** up because you know you are that same person that complained about your taxes coming out of your pay check and the price of gas going up, your rent and so on but because you have a hard on for running NYRR races so they get a free pass to rape you and everyone you know and we'll just call it inflation.  But think about it, sixty bucks a person by forty thousand runners is twenty four million dollars! That's a lot of "not for profit."
Hers a few things That were shared with me through North Brooklyn Runners that I would like to share: has a lot of basic information available for free. For instance, I've already learned that NYRR shelled out $ 11,324,727.00 in "salaries, other compensations, employee benefits" compensation in 2010, vs $ 9,915,302.00 in 2009; that the total number of individuals receiving compensation of $100,000 or more was 12; that Tavern on the Green received almost $484,000 for the pre-Marathon party, and that Robert H. Glover Associates in in Sleepy Hollow made off with $328,000 for "running classes" in 2010. Oh, and in Section B: Policies: I learned that this organization does NOT have either a whistleblower policy, nor a "written document retention and destruction policy".In "Part III- Statement of Program Service Accomplishments", they justify the tax-exempt status of their marathon revenues by citing the number of people they reach via televised broadcast and live spectatorship, and further state [all CAPS are theirs, not mine]: THIS MASS PARTICIPANTS [sic] AND WIDELY-VIEWED ANNUAL EVENT ALLOWS AND INSPIRES PERSONS OF ALL AGES AND ABILITIES TO ADOPT AN ACTIVE AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE THROUGH RUNNING, WALKING, AND RELATED FITNESS ACTIVITIES"
hm. Maybe if they had a "couch to marathon" outreach program that included babysitting services.(Don't laugh: community colleges such as BMCC offer babysitting on premises. Many of their students would not be able to study otherwise.) Regarding inspiration: I grew up in Greenpoint and came out to watch the Marathon every year, but all it ever served was to perplex and awe me---I never imagined it to be a physical accomplishment that could be ever be accessible to me. Kinda smells like BS to me.

But the plot thickens.  Here's a  story in the New York Times last February about the NYPD raising fees....

Race Directors Raise Concern Over Proposed Police Fee

In an effort to generate revenue to cope with the city’s budget deficit, the New York Police Department wants to charge the organizers of the New York City Marathon and dozens of other races the full cost of controlling traffic and other services.
By charging a new, separate fee, the police are trying to offset the rising costs and increasingly burdensome job of shutting down traffic for popular athletic events. ...
The Road Runners, which last year paid more than $850,000 to city agencies, including $107,000 to the police, is willing to reimburse the police for more of its costs, Wittenberg said. But because many race fees are set months ahead of time, they want the police to put off changing the rule until at least 2012.
Thanks NBR for keeping me informed.
You know either way this is bullshit. This is a day at the parade for police officers minus the rowdy drunks. Let's be honest they're out there cheering with the rest of the us and getting paid to watch cute girls run by in tight clothes all day. Sure as hell beats working the night owl shift in the South Bronx on a Saturday night.
 As for NYRR not sharing any of this information on their website only goes to show their lack of concern when it comes to their paying customers.  Because thats what we are as runners paying for these races, customers. You know it's beyond me why they don't even mention why prices keep going up the way they do. Hell they might even have a good answer as to why in 6 or 7 years races in the park have more than doubled while giving the runners less than they had before. But in case you want to be reminded of what your paying for when you run the NYC Marathon here's a photo.

This and a medal are the reason they need so many porto johns on the course.

 As of yet I haven't made up my mind if I want to run the Marathon again in 2012. Because even with all the B.S. that comes with running this thing it's a really cool event when you're in top condition. But running a marathon can be like "chasing the dragon."  Sometimes the best way to slay that dragon is to forget it till you get your mojo back. Only then can you sneak up on it and cut it's head off. Right now I have to forget it for a while.


New York City Marathon Week 2011 Pt. 2

The day of the New York City Marathon wasn't as eventful for me as it has been in the past. As I mentioned in my previous post the week leading up the race was way more fun.

Marathon day started out with The Beatles singing "Come Together" at 4:00am on my radio alarm.  I thought, “yes, come together beat up
body and lets run this bitch.”

This is my 7th NYC Marathon in a row and I would have liked to have
had a better feeling going into this than I did. Instead I was somewhat apathetic. I got dressed and ready in no time, called a cab and
contemplated taking a hit of my roommates’ pot pipe before I left.
"Maybe that will make this more interesting. Naaah, I might leave
my bag on the ferry if I do that" I thought.

So, off to the ferry I went where I ran into my friend John from North
Brooklyn Runners. John was a few pounds heavier and a much slower
runner than me at his best and my worst a little more than a year ago.
John lost about 20 to 30lbs and is kicking my ass all day long without
even trying. Me? I can't even work up enough leg power for speed
training without an injury acting up these days. In fact, I trained for
this marathon without so much as one tempo run or speed work of any
kind. I am officially in the worst shape of my life which, by the way,
is still much better than most Americans even if I'm not a happy

The ferry ride and the bus after the ferry had me running into a few
more key members of NBR including it's founder Aja. Aja is my guidance
system and unknowingly my pacer for most races we run in together. She
runs a steady even pace throughout her races and her form is great. We
used to finish within seconds of each other or at the same time. This
of course is no longer the case so it was just a bitter reminder of
what was to come.

   Sleeping 3 hrs is never a good look for me.

By the time we got to Marathon Village we all split up except for John
and myself. John gave his predicted race time (I had a healthy dose of
reality after he accomplished it) and I half jokingly said I'll see
you in five hours.

   On the ferry with North Brooklyn Runners

          Our fearless leader 

             Fun times                                           

As the race began to the usual sound of the gun and to the tune of New
York, New York I got going. This year I had the uneventful start
which is under the bridge. I could tell from here how it was going to
go as people passed me by as I wobbled myself through the first 2

When we entered Brooklyn I looked down at my feet and was happy my new kicks I never ran in before (NB 860 taxi cab NYC marathon edition) were holding up. Yes, a straight up rookie move I know but I wasn't racing.
I was practically speed walking and it was the only thing that inspired me to get out there that morning.

A few miles later at 6 miles I did my “how do I feel” check in. I felt
like I was dragging to be honest and I knew it was going to be a long
race. By the 8th mile I started seeing familiar faces cheering me on from
North Brooklyn Runners. At mile 12 the team volunteers at the water
stations, so I got another round of high fives there. It was a great
feeling coming in to this area from mile 11 through 13. Bedford Avenue is
packed with loads of crowds screaming "NBR!!!’ People later said they
saw me on Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint, but I didn't notice them.

I was doing a blistering 12 minute mile here

As I plodded over the Pulaski Bridge at the halfway point I decided
to eat the Pro Bar which I was carrying. I knew this was going to be
a long one for me so I approached this race much like I did with
Ultras in the past, meaning I carry portable food and anything that will
help me get though. I can't tell you what a help it has been for me
through previous trail runs and training. They are packed with 400 wall
crushing calories with all natural goodness that won't leave you
running for the porto john. Check it out -

The Queensboro Bridge. For some it’s the worst part of the race but for me
it's my favorite part. The quiet sound of hundreds of runners’ feet hitting
the ground at 16 on the bridge is down right meditative. If you're
having a good race, you're in the zone. If you’re having a bad day, you're
already walking, I was going so slow I could hardly tell if I was
walking or running. Coming off of the bridge the silence turns into
cheers from onlookers waiting on First Avenue. By 63rd Street I saw my
Special Someone waiting for me with a sign. It was the best part of the
race and I ran over to give her some love right back.

From here on out, First Avenue was all up hill (as is most of the race) and is about the longest three miles of the race for me. In fact by mile 18 I
was seriously considering dropping out. "What, another eight miles to go?
I am so freaking bored, what is the point of all this? I'm going to
finish in five hours? Ugh." Then there it was, a woman holding up a
sign with a picture of a badger on it that said "Honey Badger Don't
Give a Shit!" In case you don't know Nasty Ass Honey Badger is a
nature video on Youtube narrated in a way I can only describe as
"fabulous." I was laughing at this video for two months prior to the
marathon and it was just the thing to shake my mood. I thought yes
"honey badger don't care about marathons, he don't give a shit,” and
with that I was off.

In the Bronx my leg started to give out. My piriformus again. I went
to the med tent to see if they had anything to give me, ben gay or
whatever. You know most marathons carry stuff like that, but not the New
York Marathon. "I just ran a marathon last month and they had all
sorts of stuff, including free packets of Biofreeze they were handing
out." Then it hit me, I have that free packet of Biofreeze. So I ducked
into the nearest porto palace (shit house on wheels) and poured this
packet all over my leg and butt and wouldn't you know it worked. I was
able to pick up my pace a little and keep going. On 5th avenue I saw
my manager from the running store where I work cheering me on and he gave me a power bar. I was again grateful and ashamed at the same time (for my slow pace)

   I had to stop and pose for this one                                      

During my run in the park I was again bored shitless until I
spotted another coworker that dressed like Steve Prefontaine for
Halloween and he was still sporting the mustache.  I wasn't sure at
that point if it was because of Pre or not but I was re-energized again as he
paced me for a mile and I shouted "Stop Pre!" the whole time. Coming
down the stretch I looked for my pretty girlfriend but instead spotted
yet another coworker cheering me on. I didn't expect to see him
there and it threw me off guard. Distracted as I was I missed Kristy
shouting for me.

When I came through the finish line I heard all the congratulations
but I was grateful just to be done. New York Road Runners puts
on this race. This year it was $160 and next it will be much more I'm
sure. Here's what we got at the end:

The last thing anyone wants after a marathon is more gatorade BLEH!

As a result of this race and lack of funds I bailed out on the Las
Vegas marathon and as of right now I don't even feel like running
another marathon. To do well in a marathon you need to be 100% fit and
then you need a good training program to follow. I've been injured for
way too many races and decided to take the winter off from running. In
a way I feel like I'm over it. I ran for fitness originally and now
its led to injury which is affecting every other area of fitness in
my life. This is going to take some time to heal, probably more time
than I expect. Till then I'll keep my fingers crossed and cheer on my
fellow runners while I practice yoga and continue stretching all
winter long.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New York City Marathon Week 2011

The New York City Marathon 2011. This makes seven NYC’s for me and overall almost twenty. This year wasn't any less difficult than it was last
Year, That's not a good thing since I was in pretty bad shape last
year injury-wise. Anyway, I signed up for this beat and decided to
listen to my guru god Nike and just do it. Last year I was pretty bad
because of my injuries but somehow I managed to get in around 4:11.
The non-injured me would have scoffed at the idea of coming in over four hours but my last couple of marathons had me running injured resulting in a very bruised ego. This year my injuries have not let up or allowed me to run any sort of speed work resulting in much slower times (not to mention more excuses) than usual.

The marathon itself was sort of dragged on for me but the build was nothing short of awesome. Since I work with runners in a running store I got the benefit of soaking in the energy from hundreds of tourists that stop by work every day during the week leading up to the big day.  On top of that many cool, new shoes were unveiled and special
editions came out that week as well, which meant lots of free stuff
for yours truly.  Let me not to forget to mention celebrity runners that stop in to appease their sponsors. This was Christmas for runners.

Look what I scored marathon week!

I also had the opportunity to run with Ryan Hall who proved to be a pretty cool guy. Foot Locker’s RUN was sponsoring this run and I made it on my
dinner break at work toward the end of the event.  When I saw the group running with Ryan I noticed a few people hanging on to his every word. A couple of guys running behind him were drooling over his calves (I kid you not) and others were running ahead of him and that struck me as funny. So I used it as an ice breaker,  "Hey Ryan, you think those guys are running ahead of you so those can post on Facebook  that they were faster?" It got a laugh out of him. He replied "You wouldn't believe how many people post pictures saying just that." I was satisfied. We bonded over my sarcasm. I got to run with him for a little over a mile. He asked me about my marathon and I told him my sob story (whaah I'm injured, whaah I haven't run like a normal person in 2 years whaaaah). I also asked him if he ever heard of Phil Wharton and I was pleased to receive a very enthusiastic yes. He asked if I had been to Phil’s studio. I mentioned that I had his DVD on stretching and it was a big help so far. I told him about a friend who went to their studio and was impressed at the amount of Olympic and pro athletes they work with on a daily basis. Ryan said they were great there and suggested I make an appointment. If you're interested in learning more about Phil Wharton, you can visit the website at The DVD has been a tremendous help so far and I also bought his book on stretching to get a little deeper into it.

After my run with Ryan 

I also had the opportunity to meet Desiree Davila at Paragon Sports. In case anyone has forgotten, Desiree ran the 2011 Boston Marathon, finishing in 2nd place by two seconds and setting a 4 minute PR. Her time of 2:22:38 is the fastest time ever run by an American woman in the Boston Marathon. In my opinion had the race gone on for another 400 meters she would have won. I came to this opinion because the winner passed out at the finish line while Desiree hardly seemed out of breath.
I had a little fun with Desiree too. I asked her if she thought Meb
Keflezighi was a sell out for sponsoring those god awful Sketchers.
She smiled and gave me the politically correct answer which was "if a
company like sketchers wants to sponsor an athlete like Meb I'm sure
they are going to custom make an great shoe for him."

I got to meet up with Ryan Hall a second time and asked him the same question and he let out a little laugh and gave a similar answer. I then told him when that story came out all the runners and I at work "laughed our asses off” and wondered if he was going to run in Shape-Ups.  With that said, I can not begrudge Meb for trying to make a buck. He won New York in 2009 and that may be the only time he wins a marathon so he should cash in now before it’s too late. I always say it is not the shoe that makes the runner but the genetics and training.

Desiree and Ryan were good sports
Ryan getting my autograph

Marathon Day to come in Part 2…the race recap you wouldn’t want to write but don’t want to miss.